Change log

Change log


  • Test case reports – persistent test case filters with possibility to export a report
  • Automatic relations for Test cases
  • Numeric thresholds for compare type test cases
  • Added multiple new imports for Catalog
  • Added “is nullable” and “default value” properties to Catalog attributes
  • Catalog page filter is now schema based
  • Persistent filters for Profiling page
  • Possibility to exclude tables from metadata
  • Default role selection for new OAuth/LDAP user


  • Business Glossary to manage business terms, descriptions and relations – docs
  • Catalog changes:
    • Attribute description (free text field)
    • Advanced search – docs
    • Possibility to import lineage relations for catalog
    • Possibility to assign labels for any catalog object
    • Directories – docs
    • Indicator is shown for catalog objects and attributes that have existing lineage relations
    • Table and column comments available for all data sources
  • Test case changes:
    • Possibility to enable retention of test case results (sample rows) for all failed executions – docs
    • Possibility to sort Test case results (sample rows) by clicking on header
    • Test case SQL editor cursor position
    • Test case additional results are now displayed in Test case page view and Test suite reports
    • Access to test cases in private test suites can be set for selected roles (previously was only visible to test suite owner)
  • API changes:
    • Scoped API keys (previous “rest” role is deprecated) – docs
    • Test suite tags and directories are now available in API response – docs
    • Variables parameter is now available for Test suite API execute endpoint – docs
  • Other:
    • Metadata sync settings for schemas (enable/disable update) – docs
    • Excel as a supported data source
    • Warning in Dashboard and Log in page if application’s repository is set to PostgreSQL and the connection fails


  • Data catalog page to manage all objects and columns on metadata level
    • Data quality score
    • Related test cases and profilings
    • Database comments and business definitions
    • Business terms
    • Data lineage to add sources and targets for all objects and attributes
  • Test case severity levels
  • Test suite alert triggering by test case severity levels
  • Global variables are now usable in profiling filters and email values for alerting (and can now also be added from Settings page)
  • Possibility to change test suite owner
  • API endpoint for test case history
  • Added connection parameter for test case execution to use any existing connection for the specified test cases


  • Added possibility to import sample data with example connections, test cases and profilings (under “Help” tab)
  • Possibility to create multiple profilings for same object
  • Custom names for profiling objects
  • Apache Hive is now supported as a data source


  • General
    • PostgreSQL as application database is now supported. Possibility to set up Postgres connection in Settings->Database (Documentation)
    • Display names are now used in applications UI instead of usernames
    • ClickHouse is now supported as a data source
    • QoL changes and bug fixes
    • VCS changes
      • Test suite tags are now also included in test suite export
      • Import errors are now returned to API response
      • Directories are no longer separate VCS objects, they reside under test suite and build directory structure based on that
      • Object reference mismatches are displayed in VCS logs (for example, test case – test suite reference does not exist)
      • Test case import uses connection name to find matches if reference does not exist
      • API endpoint for deleting entities (Documentation)
    • Note: From version 2023.9 DQM container no longer uses ‘root’ user. This is due to security reasons. Now DQM container runs with user ‘dqm’ UID:1000 GID:1000. In case DQM container version update should give folder access rights, we have prepared a few fix scripts for assigning correct user rights to folders. This is a one time action and will work as expected in the future. It wont affect new installs, unless using direct docker bind mount to host system.
      Instructions are found here
  • Dashboard
    • Added “Latest executions” section
    • Possibility to change time range for charts
    • Persistent filters with possibility to share dashboards with users
  • Test cases
    • Typeahead for schemas/tables when writing SQL queries
    • Test result charts display changes to previous results
    • Additional long description preview on hover + indicator if description exists
    • Indicator for new comments
    • Added last modified by/timestamp for each test case
    • SQL window is now resizable
    • Typeahead for existing labels
    • Possibility to filter by labels
    • Added “Labels” column
    • Possibility to change expected result for multiple test cases at a time
    • Viewing query results now displays SQL used to get results
    • Viewing compare results displays closest match for selected row
  • Test suites
    • Indicator for private test suites
    • Indicator if test suite has any alerts set
    • Displaying test suite owner name in detailed view
    • HTML report now has filters (text + status)
  • Profiling
    • Threshold is now displayed on result charts with visible min/max results
    • Results chart displays changes to previous results
  • Settings
    • Added tabs for General settings
    • New data retention settings (set retention to use count of executions instead of days)
    • Better visibility for user roles
    • Possibility to assign display name for users


  • Version control system integration (import/export entities) (Export doc Import doc)
  • Test case labels (Documentation)
  • Test case relations (schema, object, columns) (Documentation)
  • Test case comments (Documentation)
  • Multi-column results for test cases (Documentation)
  • Connections page UI rework
  • Test cases page UI rework
  • “Changes” column to Test cases page
  • Test suite HTML report is now sortable by clicking on headers
  • Links in HTML report test case additional info are now clickable
  • Add/edit test cases permission in roles
  • Removed directories level limit of 5
  • API to manage users and roles (Documentation)
  • Security logs


  • Multiple authentication methods in parallel (AD/LDAP + OAuth + local user system)
  • New execution bar with possibility to minimize
  • Improved compare engine performance
  • Compare test case result samples can now be displayed in HTML report
  • Test case history chart is shown for all test cases with numeric results
  • Added “Security logs” to logs view in Dashboard
  • Added SQLite integration for Connections
  • Security fixes


  • Possibility to change system time for the application
  • Global variables for test cases (
  • API endpoint to execute test cases based on filters (
  • Count of added/edited test cases is now shown on “Save” button
  • “New test case” button is moved to navigation bar
  • Possibility to include sample test case results in test suite HTML reports (added “Results in report” option for test suite settings).
  • Test case results are now possible to download as CSV
  • Duplicated test cases now display [Copy] in their description
  • Duplicated test cases are inserted next to their originals in test cases view
  • Possibility to execute test cases that use multiple resultsets (e.g. inserting into temporary tables within a test case)
  • HTML reporting for profiling objects
  • Possibility to set threshold sensitivity for profiling objects
  • Status is now shown for historic data in profiling charts
  • Prediction with threshold is now displayed for all profiling executions
  • Profiling objects filter on Dashboard is now based on object names and grouped by connections
  • Add/edit directories privileges
  • Test suite/profiling URL now available as alert parameter and in HTML reports
  • Added more informative icons/hover-boxes to various forms
  • Added general help (?) window to the bottom left corner
  • Redesigned Settings page
  • Custom email subject line
  • Added interactive legend to daily data quality chart on Dashboard


  • New improved Dashboard
    • Daily data quality chart
    • Changes to previous day
    • Alarms
  • Test suite directories
  • HTTPS can now be enabled from cert files


  • Self-signed certificates for OAuth autherization
  • OpenEdge Progress connection support


  • Webhooks custom JSON
  • Exasol connection is now supported
  • Possibility to test connections from add/edit connection view
  • New prediction types for test cases:
    • Average
    • Polynomial
  • Possibility to add profiling objects with/without rules
  • Profiling dynamic rules now have “default” switch – default rules are automatically generated, non-defaults can be added manually
  • A view to see and manage all rules for a profiled object
  • Removed profiling manual thresholds as these are now automatically calculated
  • Possibility to remove profiling rule execution from history by clicking on it on history chart
  • Profiling column value rule custom SQL
  • UX/UI improvements


  • Reworked UX/UI for:
    • Profiling objects
    • Test suites
    • Test cases
  • Metadata collecting for REST API and CSV connections
  • Profiling for REST API and CSV connections
  • Last active timestamp for users
  • Compare test case results are now available as CSV files
  • Execution history now displays statuses for all executions
  • Added row count rule for profiling objects
  • Added percentage indicator for profiling rules
  • Possibility to add profiling columns without rules


  • Profiling and test suite schedulers are now run in series (previously scheduler exceeded parallel connection limit)
  • Test case rules are now available from “Test cases” sidebar (instead of separate page)
  • When generating object-based test cases, only available rules are shown (previously all rules were visible)
  • Possibility to add multiple expected results for a test case
  • Possibility to set expected result as previous result (=, >, <)
  • Schedule chart is now visible on desktop, instead of Test suite page
  • Schedule chart now contains profiling executions
  • Execution history data retention can now be set from Settings page (default 60 days)
  • New role privilege to allow or disallow executing
  • Added sorting and filtering for Users
  • Added sorting and filtering for Test case rules
  • Connectors are now visible for Test case rules when managing them
  • Fixed issues:
    • Issue when importing test cases
    • UI fixes


  • Profiling/test cases chart switch for Dashboard
  • Possibility to auto-refresh information/charts on Dashboard
  • Admins can now cancel any execution from Dashboard by hovering on running execution and clicking X
  • Possibility to use change indicators for test cases (comparing to previous result)
  • Test suites can no longer be executed (and an error is displayed) if they are already being executed by someone else
  • Possibility to disable profiling column value rule
  • Possibility to set maximum count of values that are profiled for a column (in Settings, default set as 10)
  • Improved test suite schedule chart to display execution times more accurately
  • Fixed issues:
    • Duplicated test cases did not have set connections
    • Profiling column value count 0 was inserted even if it no longer existed
    • Cancelling executions failed in some cases
    • Fixed issue with tool failing to get metadata for Oracle and MsSQL databases


  • Metadata UI redesign when opening metadata for a connection
  • Added possibility to refresh schemas manually for a connection
  • No longer possible to accidentally delete metadata that is used in profiling
  • API V1 release
  • Test cases now have “Created by” label
  • Profiling object pie chart now displays limited columns, prioritised by columns that have erroneous rules
  • Test suites are now by default set as “Public” when creating a new test suite
  • Test suites no longer have “Threads” or “Timeout” settings as they are set in connection settings
  • Test cases page no longer has “Threads” setting
  • Possibility to copy and share test case URL (copy to clipboard button)
  • Profiling rules default threshold set to 10% from 5%
  • Possibility to replace HTTPS certification
  • Fixed issues:
    • Test case HTML report column width issues
    • Connections are now in ascending order
    • Fixed issue with illegal character errors in logs


  • Possibility to delete specific values from profiled column value history
  • Added CPU % to settings page chart
  • “Drivers” are now renamed to “Connectors”
  • Improved concurrency for multi-user usage
  • Opening profiling objects is now faster
  • Fixed issues:
    • Issue with adding dynamic rules
    • Issue with importing and exporting test cases
    • Issue with test suite schedule chart
    • Issue with importing metadata from multiple schemas
    • Issue with restoring from backups


  • Possibility to cancel profiling rule executions
  • Profiling schedule and executions are now displayed on Desktop view
  • Possibility to set how many errors are allowed for a profiled object before automatic alert is sent
  • Profiled object Alerts and Schedule view enhancements
  • Profiling rule “Delete” icon is now displayed even if rule is not opened
  • Profiled object top values now accurately detect if a value no longer is found in object
  • Possibility to view profiled object top value chart for selected values
  • Test cases in archived test suites are no longer visible
  • Comparison test cases now display error when row limit is reached


  • Users will be redirected to login page if session is expired
  • Test suite schedule density is now visualized as a chart
  • Possibility to enable/disable test case
  • Possibility to exclude ‘error’ status test cases from test suite results
  • ‘Save all’ button for profiling dynamic data types
  • Mass action for adding/removing profiling objects
  • Possibility to automatically add columns with rules when adding a new profiling object
  • Mass action to change test case connection
  • Test suites page is now sortable
  • Fixed issues:
    • Tests page initial load did not load some test cases


  • Possibility to mass assign and remove roles from users
  • Users without add/edit connection privileges can now view connection meta data
  • Default User role can now add/edit connections
  • Fixed issues:
    • Test suite report not working
    • Parts of pages with many entries were not scrollable
    • Tests page search function did not work with whitespaces


  • Possibility to choose test result prediction (% diff) based on Linear Regression or Previous result
  • Users can now define level of data from JSON for REST connections
  • Test cases without connection privileges are no longer visible for users
  • Connections without privileges are no longer visible for users
  • Added role privileges for:
    • Adding/editing test suites
    • Adding/editing profiling objects
    • Adding/editing profiling rules
  • Fixed issues:
    • Rounding errors on test and profiling reports
    • Visual issues with test suite report
    • Settings page subpage URL fixes
    • Wrong test suites displayed on login


  • Users are now redirected to previous page after authentication
  • Profiled object report view
  • Test suite PDF report changed to HTML with additional information about results
  • Sharing Tests page URL now includes filters
  • Fixed issues:
    • No test suites were selected on Desktop view after initial log in
    • Scheduled executions are now in local (system) timezones
    • Changing user roles sometimes failed to save


  • HTTPS support
  • Fixed issues with table widths in Chrome
  • Test suite scheduler now executes test suites simultaneously (set to 2 parallel executions by default)
  • Possibility to change usernames (only Admins can change usernames)
  • Button to view test cases related to profiled object
  • Profiled objects sorting
  • Mass actions for profiled objects (execute, delete, schedule)
  • Mass clear / assign rules for a profiled object


  • Setting to automatically create user for Oauth2/LDAP log in if user is not registred
  • Possibility to cancel execution for manually executed profiling rules
  • SQL filter for profiled object
  • Profiled object email/webhook alerts with scheduled executions
  • Profiled column top values prediction threshold
  • Profiled column top values error indicator (using set threshold)
  • “Save all” button for profiling rules
  • “Add all columns” button for profiled object
  • Functionality to add new profiling rule to all applicable columns
  • Duplicate rules are no longer displayed when adding a rule for a profiled column
  • Datetimes and dates can now be profiled (MAX(date), MIN(date) etc)


  • Added 7 REST API endpoints
  • Changed LDAP to perform search within subtree scope (baseDN + subtrees below baseDN)
  • Changes in Profiling:
    • Rules can now be added/changed/removed
    • Types can be created and assigned to rules (assign rules to certain data types)
    • Rules can now be assigned to certain JDBC drivers
    • Small UI changes and bugfixes
  • Fixed issues:
    • Linear regression prediction displayed wrong result in some cases
    • Users did not have privileges for a connection they added


  • OAuth2 authentication
  • LDAP authentication over SSL
  • Possibility to set threshold for multiple test cases at a time
  • Logged in username displayed in sidebar
  • Possibility to change count of rows displayed for a failed test case
  • Fixed issues:
    • Profiling scheduler did not run on Sundays
    • Page crashed after loading new drivers
    • Changing password for a user failed in some cases


  • BigQuery data source support
  • CSV files data source support
  • REST API data source support
  • Objects can be filtered by column names when generating test cases
  • Primary key parameters in test generation
  • Possibility to see failed test case results for COUNT(*) tests
  • Possibility to exclude test case from scheduled test suite “Allowed errors(%)” calculation
  • Fixed issues:
    • Dynamic test generation failed in some cases
    • LDAP placeholders missing in Settings page


  • Redshift data source support
  • Snowflake data source support
  • Test suite archiving
  • Add/edit connections privilege can now be set to a role
  • Add/edit rules privilege can now be set to a role


  • Slack channel alerts
  • Test suites can now be scheduled on selected days
  • Added column value profiling to Profiling page
  • Custom roles can now be assigned to users to access only selected data sources