Users & Roles

DQM has two predefined roles:
admin - Allows all actions inside DQM and has access to all data sources. Admin users can modify all DQM settings
user - Allows all default actions inside DQM and has access to all data sources
Adding a custom role

Role name - Identifier role name
Allowed connections - Allowed data sources for given role
Read-only - Defines given role as read-only, which will be assigned to license read-only users
Privileges - Access to specific functionalities of DQM. You can also use "All privileges" slider to enable all DQM functionalities or disable specific pages for selected role.
Adding a read-only role

For read-only users you can choose specific pages they have access to.
Adding a new user

Username - Username identifier
Display name - Display name which will be displayed throughout DQM
Password - User password (Password must be at least 8 characters and contain an uppercase, a lowercase, a number and a special character '@#$%^&+=!.'). For OAuth/LDAP/AD users no password is needed. If these users will be assigned a password, they can access with both OAuth/LDAP/AD authentication and local user.
Recovering admin user
If in some case admin user credentials are forgotten, admin user password can be reset from the application machine. DQM container/JAR file should be rerun with parameter “dqm.recovery.password”