Test suites
Test suites page allows users to create and manage test suites, which are used to package test cases. Click on a test suite to:
Edit – edit test suite properties, scheduling and alerts
View test cases – open test cases page for this test suite
Execute – execute the test suite (requires user to have access to all test suite's test cases' connections)
Get report – download HTML report with latest results for the test suite

Private test suites have an indicator at the end of the test suite (test suite "Connection tests" in the image)
Adding a new test suite
Press the "Add new test suite" button on the sidebar
Fill in the test suite properties
Test suite properties
Test suite name – display name for test suite
Directory – directory of the test suite
Tags – see chapter Adding tags to a test suite
Owner - who can edit this test suite
Results in report – sample results of test cases (max 1000 rows) are displayed in HTML report
Test suite visibility
Public - Accessible to all users
Private - Test suite will be visible and editable to owner and users with role(s) selected in "Editable by"
Read-Only - Test suite will be visible to everybody, but editable only by owner and users with role(s) selected in "Editable by"
Visible to - which role can see the test suite (default "Owner")
Schedule – schedule when the test suite should be executed.
Trigger - Threshold sends alerts only when the percentage of failed test cases exceeds a set limit, while Always sends alerts after every scheduled execution.
Allowed errors – % value of errors allowed. When the test failure percentage is larger than the allowed threshold, an alert will be sent (0% to send an alert if any of the tests fails)
Severity threshold - INFO, WARNING, CRITICAL. Failed test cases with the set severity or higher will trigger alerts. For example severity WARNING will trigger alerts for test cases with severity WARNING and CRITICAL.
Webhook – Webhook to which an alert is sent if error threshold is exceeded
Emails – comma separated emails to which report is sent if error threshold is exceeded
Click on "Add test suite" button
Deleting a test suite
Find the test suite you want to delete and click "edit" icon
Click the "Delete test suite" button
When prompted with following message
Delete test suite – only test suite will be deleted. All tests will remain without a test suite reference
Delete with test cases – all tests that are in the test suite will also be deleted
Modifying a test suite
Find the test suite and click "edit"
Modify properties that need to be changed
Click "Save changes" button
Adding tags to a test suite
Locate the test suite where you want to change tags and click "edit "
Insert or delete tags from "Tags" field
Press "Save changes" button
Each test suite can be assigned into a custom directory to create a directory-based structure for test suite management. Directories can be created by clicking on the plus sign on the sidebar after "Directories". To create or edit sub-directories, hover on a directory name and click the plus icon or pencil icon.

Adding test suites to directories
To add a test suite to a directory, hover on a test suite name. A directory icon will appear. Click and grab the icon and drag it to a directory. To remove a directory, drag it to "Unassign" section in the sidebar. Directories can also be changed by editing a test suite.