Data Observability platform Help


Object and column level lineage can be managed by clicking on lineage icon lineageIcon, found after object/attribute name. Green icon indicates that some lineage relations have already been set. New relations can be set from Column level relations.

Object level lineage

Object level lineage can be opened from Catalog objects view.


Direct relations

  • By clicking on Columns chevron chevronIcon for any of the objects found on the lineage graph, a list of all active columns for selected object is displayed, with direct relations to any other columns.

  • By clicking on Columns detailed view icon lineageDetailed a detailed view of all columns for selected object is displayed.


Column relation map

By clicking on any of the relation paths, a column map for selected relation will be displayed.


Data quality

By clicking on data quality bar, a Data quality overview will be displayed


Clicking ArrowUp icon will redirect to related test cases or profilings

Column level lineage

Column level lineage can be opened by clicking on any of the columns in Object level lineage graph, or by clicking on Lineage icon, found after any attribute name in Object detailed view.


Adding new relations

  • Open object level lineage to get options of adding new relations

  • A detailed table view allows users to visually explore and manage column relations. Users can select specific columns and define custom relations between them, specifying the source, connection, schema, and target object.

  • Open column level lineage to get options of adding new relations

  • New relations can be added by hovering on any of the columns and clicking on the green Plus icon.


Deleting a relation


To remove a relation, select the column with the existing relation. Clicking on it will open a confirmation modal for deletion.


To remove a relation between columns, hover on the column and click the red minus icon. Clicking on it will open a confirmation modal for deletion.

Lineage actions

  • Navigation - Graph navigation forward or backward.

  • Open/close - Expand all column relations.

  • Export - Possible to export lineage as a PNG or Excel file.

Last modified: 07 February 2025