The Import feature allows to import data into the system by uploading CSV files.
Clicking open Import modal
Catalog import modal consists of:
Entity type
Business rules - Catalog business rules (CSV import does not support linking test cases, can be done with API)
Objects - Catalog objects descriptions
Columns - Catalog columns descriptions
Column relations - Relations between columns
Column relations (SQL) - Relations between columns and query evaluation functionality
Column term relations - Relations between column terms
Terms - Business glossary terms
Term relations - Relations between glossary terms
CSV file
The format for the CSV file depends on the selected entity type.
Example - import Objects, the CSV should be structured as follows:
connection, schema, object, description
Ensure that your CSV uses the correct headers and follows this sequence.
Comma (,) - Use if CSV values are separated by commas.
Semicolon (;) - Use if CSV values are separated by semicolons.
File Upload
Select Entity Type: Choose the entity type to import from the dropdown menu. Each entity type corresponds to different data structures and requires specific CSV formats.
Upload CSV File: Click on the Upload button to select and upload the CSV file that matches the selected entity type. Ensure that file matches required format.
Evaluate query
To open query evaluate modal press "Evaluate" button
Lineage from query
To accurately evaluate data lineage, select a database connection and insert SQL query. This process helps establish entity associations, such as foreign key constraints, JOIN conditions, and INSERT target mappings, ensuring precise lineage tracking.