
Export tab is used to export entities from the application to JSON/CSV format for version control. Entities can then be imported to the application using api/v1/import. Exported entities have reference id-s, which will be used to either create/update objects on import. Imported entities can be deleted using /api/v1/delete.
Exportable entities
You can export following entities:
Business rules - Supports JSON/ZIP/CSV (For CSV we do not export test case references)
Column relations - Supports CSV
Columns - Supports CSV
Connections - Supports JSON/ZIP
Dynamic rules - Supports JSON/ZIP
Parameters - Supports JSON/ZIP
Terms - Supports CSV
Term relations - Supports CSV
Test cases - Can be exported from test cases page
Test suites - Supports JSON/ZIP
Variables - Supports JSON/ZIP
Webhooks - Supports JSON/ZIP
Export types
User can also choose between export types, where:
ZIP – exports objects as separate JSON files packaged into ZIP archive
JSON – exports objects as JSON array, which will be a single JSON file
CSV – Simple comma separated values file